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10 Reasons to Engage Exclusively with an SAP Recruitment Partner

By admin_bluewaveselect


At bluewaveSELECT we love this model, as it enables us to deliver the very best possible service to our clients.

This article is written from a bluewaveSELECT perspective, but of course, is applicable to any good recruitment business who are genuinely passionate about delivery and building long term business relationships.

When working exclusively the benefits for everyone involved in the process are huge. With a true partnership approach built on trust, we provide VIP treatment with priority access to our 20-year strong SAP network, contract & perm.

With full commitment, from both sides, our clients implicitly trust us to deliver, receiving a total hassle-free & hands-free approach to attracting, engaging and securing the strongest SAP experts in the market.

Why choose us as an exclusive SAP recruitment partner?

1.    Speed to market/rapid scale up – as there’s less business risk, we can focus more resources and will immediately access our full team to drop everything and start the search. Within the first 2hrs, you actually have over 40hrs of SAP Specialists’ time! When it’s not exclusive, standard practice is your Consultant plus two SAP Researchers.

2.    100% commitment with VIP treatment – professional pride to deliver drives everything we do; we will not rest until we have the perfect shortlist across to you. Unsurprisingly our exclusive clients have priority access to our best SAP experts, who we have placed multiple times over the decades.

 3.    Saves valuable leadership time – you only need to brief one headhunter who knows SAP and talks your language. No wasted time repeating yourself or being chased by multiple recruiters for feedback on irrelevant CVs.

 4.    Cost efficient – we know market rates, so we know the right day rate or salary you should pay, often making huge cost savings across full end-to-end SAP-enabled business transformations. We can also be more flexible with our margin; often we bespoke the pricing approach to include cash back options, tenure discounts and volume rate cards.

5.    Quality of service & shortlist increases – It’s not like a Grand National type scenario where recruiters are racing to introduce CVs asap, we can interview, re-interview and take covert references to ensure we are 100% happy with shortlisting, not just who is quickest to introduce.

6.    Confidentiality – we will keep the search 100% confidential so you and your colleagues do not get bombarded with sales calls from other recruiters – only shortlisted candidates will know the company name which in turn will significantly reduce cold call attempts.

7.    Build a relationship – with one specialist agency evolving into a strong, true partnership approach. With tight alignment and a deep understanding of the company and SAP roadmap, we operate more like a dedicated internal resource.

8.    Exceptional candidate journey – you control the message out to market with consistency, we promote your company brand across the SAP market. In a multiple agency scenario, quality of service can differ dramatically often resulting in negative perceptions.

9.    No bun fights – totally avoid the usual potential disagreements between agencies. Aside from constant pestering from recruiters, I’m told by our clients this is one of the most annoying things about working with numerous recruiters. With one partner, it’s simply not possible.

10. One MSA, invoice & timesheet portal – saving huge amounts of leadership and back office time. Once we are set up on the system, it’s plain sailing, no need to access 5 different portals or try and remember different terms from multiple agencies.

These are my thoughts on the top reasons why a company running SAP would work exclusively with bluewave.

However, some important points to consider if you do decide to work exclusively (and it’s not bluewaveSELECT 🙂 )

·      Do not let your partner get complacent thinking it’s guaranteed, easy, business for them. Keep them on their toes with the constant background promise that you have other specialist suppliers to escalate the search to if the shortlist isn’t of the calibre required.

·      If you ‘feel’ you are not receiving VIP treatment or priority access to their network (or they just don’t have the network) put one or two other specialist suppliers to the test for peace of mind. If you have real doubts this can only be a good thing as you will drive delivery with healthy competition and there’s no risk.

Anyway, let’s not dwell on the potential pitfalls.

With 20 years focused solely on SAP in my professional opinion, with the right partner who is truly committed, an exclusive model works amazingly! I remember in my early career, I personally placed 80 SAP experts (65 contract & 15 perm) on one Greenfield implementation over a 3-year period – the partnership was superb, like a well-oiled machine.

It’s worth highlighting for bluewaveSELECT in the early stages, there’s absolutely no need for any formal exclusivity agreements, and a simple 24-48hrs heads up on the role works well. We are agile enough and have the flexibility to develop the partnership over time, we don’t expect full commitment long-term until you have tested us and trust us to deliver each and every time.

Our mission is to become the world’s most trusted SAP recruitment business, delivering our unique wow factor by consistently exceeding expectations.

Put us to the test, I guarantee you will be impressed!

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