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Get the tried and tested SAP people at pace that can handle the time pressures of M&A projects

Meet your TSA deadline with ease. Get confidently assured SAP candidates, experienced in delivering a carve out like yours.

The problem:

Your divestment deadline is looming. You’re under a lot of pressure.

You still have a high volume of roles to fill and if you don’t, you’ll be responsible for the business being fined potentially millions of pounds.

But filling these roles is extremely challenging.

You’re getting resources that tick the technical boxes and interview well, but once they’re in the door, can’t hack the time pressures or the challenging characters. They drop out of the project and you have to start again.

You can’t afford to have things slip any further.

The solution:

You need an SAP recruitment partner you can rely on. SAP experts that understand the time pressures you’re under and can get in the trenches with you.

One that can give you the quality you need as quickly as possible and understands the M&A market.

M&A by bluewaveSELECT will give you tried and tested SAP people at pace that can handle the unique time pressures of an M&A project.

How it works:

The outcomes:

SAP people that don’t drop out

You’ll get confidently assured, pragmatic SAP people that are a technical fit but can also handle the heat of a carve out and will stay the course.

No time wasted

We know the M&A market. We know what good looks like. And we know SAP. We won’t send you candidates that aren’t the right fit for your project so you don’t waste time.

A weight off your shoulders

Once you’ve briefed us, we’ll do all the heavy lifting and admin so you have one less thing to think about.

Quality, not quantity

You’ll get 3 accurately matched (technical and culture fit) CVs within hours of briefing us on your requirement.

bluewaveSELECTreally know the market which is a sign of having close networks/relationships with SAP themsleves, consultants, integrators and end clients.

SAP Manager | Trustpilot

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It all starts with one great SAP hire.

We’ll quickly prove that we can get you the right people to deliver your project on time and within budget.

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