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Get your senior SAP and technology hires right first time

Find a leader that can take you where you want to go and won’t be an expensive mistake.

The problem:

Finding a leader for your business that’s fluent in SAP can be a minefield. Your plans are ambitious and getting this right is critical to your success. But you don’t have the luxury of time, resource or an endless budget.

On top of that, the best exec-level candidates are already working for someone else and you are unsure how to engage with them.

And the ones that are available – it’s just so hard to know if people are as good as they say they are. Especially when the hiring process needs to happen covertly.

Getting it wrong would be expensive, a waste of time, demoralising for your team and a huge risk to your growth plans.

The solution:

You need access to proven SAP and technology leaders. And you need solid evidence that they’re able to deliver.

Lead by bluewaveSELECT unlocks access to the best SAP and technology leaders in the industry.

How it works

The outcomes:

Avoid expensive mistakes

Get your senior and executive hires right first time so you don’t valuable time, money and resource.

Ease internal anxiety

The best way to put your team at ease is to hire the right person.

Increase diversity

Bring much-needed diverse thought and fresh perspectives into your leadership team.

They're one of the few agencies that focus on consistent high levels of delivery and quality of candidate.

PMO Delivery Lead

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It all starts with one great SAP hire.

We’ll quickly prove that we can get you the right people to deliver your project on time and within budget.

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