The latest SAP Report

How BAE Systems found 40 niche, security-cleared SAP professionals in challenging locations for their S/4HANA transformation


BAE Systems


UK, Middle East


Annual Turnover
£ 0 bn
Members of Staff

Aerospace & Defence


The programme of work

Purpose: Digital transformation – replace outdated ERP systems and processes
Transformation type: S/4HANA implementation
Hires required: 40+
bluewaveSELECT solution: Escalate, Exclusive

The programme of work

  • bluewave was the #1 performing SAP supplier
  • 93% vacancy fill ratio
  • 40+ SAP professionals placed
  • 100% of backlogged vacancies filled in six weeks

The challenge:

  • BAE needed to attract specialist SAP professionals skilled in designing and implementing SAP manufacturing solutions in a highly competitive market.
  • They also needed to fill critical SAP roles in their non manufacturing business streams such as Finance, Procurement and HR/ Successfactors. existing suppliers could not source the volume or the calibre of SAP resources needed to deliver its programmes.
  • Things were running behind schedule and there were a number of backlogged vacancies which had been halting production.
  • Additional challenges came in the form of resources being required in challenging locations such as Barrow in Furness, Preston and Weymouth
  • And all candidates also needed to have existing security clearance (or the ability to gain it).

The solution

  • bluewaveSELECT were brought in as an escalation point with programmes behind schedule.
  • Through bluewave’s accurate screening process, they quickly provided an accurate short list of SAP professionals motivated to join the project for each open vacancy.
  • Following this initial escalation, bluewave continued to supply resources for the remainder of the programme on an Exclusive basis, significantly reducing the cost of hiring.

The Results

  • Thanks to bluewave’s SAP specialism, they were able to fill 100% of the backlogged vacancies (which had been halting production) within six weeks.
  • bluewave placed over 40 SAP professionals with BAE across remote areas of the UK and in the Middle East.
  • The resources supplied by bluewave had a critical impact on BAE’s ability to run multiple, concurrent SAP-enabled business transformation programmes.
  • All successful hires were high performing SAP leaders and SMEs who either had or were eligible for security clearance – this is very challenging to find.
  • bluewave was the number one performing specialist SAP supplier for this transformation programme with a success ratio of 93%.

Head of Business Systems, BAE Systems AI

bluewaveSELECT have been pivotal in BAE Systems setting up our internal SAP organisation after making the decision to in-house from a third party. Frustrating experiences with other agencies were quickly subdued with bluewave’s considered, knowledgeable, engaging approach. I knew the CVs I received would be not only the right technical fit, but the right personality fit also.

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How Greggs rapidly hired 100% of the SAP skills they needed in a challenging location (and saved £2.7m on recruitment costs)

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