The latest SAP Report

SAP Case Studies

We’re proud of our achievements in the SAP world. Check out our case studies to find out how we’ve made an impact.

Our team has worked with some of the world’s most recognisable brands.

Our experience of recruiting 4,000+ SAP professionals into new SAP projects around the world has been diverse and far-reaching. Here are some key highlights of our recruitment teams delivering in-demand SAP professionals - aligned to industry, technology and geography.

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How Wella got their divestment programme back on track to meet their TSA exit deadline

How Boehringer Ingelheim successfully delivered a Greenfield S/4HANA implementation across 100 countries

How BAE Systems found 40 niche, security-cleared SAP professionals in challenging locations for their S/4HANA transformation

How Greggs rapidly hired 100% of the SAP skills they needed in a challenging location (and saved £2.7m on recruitment costs)

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