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Get help from the best in SAP to turn your failing S/4HANA programme around

Get the independent, strategic advice you need to get your S/4HANA transformation back on track.

The problem:

Your S/4HANA transformation is not where you need it to be.

Your original scope just isn’t right for the business but you have no idea how to fix it.

It’s costing far more than you were told it would.

Or you simply can’t find the right skills to meet the needs of the project.

You’ve sought advice from your systems integrator or RPO provider but they’re speaking in a language you don’t understand and you’re not sure if they’re pulling the wool over your eyes.

Your neck is on the line and you need to get this project back on track.

The solution:

What you need is an audit of your SAP programme.

To bring in an in-house individual that can sense check your plans and tell you how to rescue your failing programme.

So, we recommend you start with a free 1hr advisory call with an independent SAP expert.

We’ll match you with a third party domain expert and arrange a free 1hr Teams call on your behalf.

At the very least, you’ll walk away with answers to some of your most pressing questions. 

But if it’s a good fit, we can also talk about bringing this person in on your project to support you for the longer term.

How it works:

The outcomes:

Get back on track

Make sure every penny is spent on making your SAP implementation as efficient and effective as possible.

Quality assurance

Be supported by an expert who has seen it all before and knows what good looks like.

Peace of mind

Your advisor isn’t motivated by the wrong things and will have your best interests at the forefront.

bluewaveSELECT are one of the top players in the SAP market. They present the best SAP resources to their best clients.

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Get an in-depth review of your resource plan and make sure you’re hiring the right skills at the right cost, at the right time.

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