The latest SAP Report


Find the SAP resource you urgently need in hours, not days

For when your normal route to market has failed to deliver.

The problem:

Your current sourcing strategy for SAP roles isn’t working. You have mission critical roles that needed to be filled yesterday:

To put it simply, you’re not getting the right SAP skills fast enough.

But you’re not technically allowed to work with another supplier. You’re stuck.

The solution:

What you need is an escalation strategy.

A process you can follow for when you’re stuck.

Escalate allows you to bypass the usual long-winded procurement processes and get the CVs you need within 24 hours.

The priority is to get you the resource you need, so we’ll get to work immediately.

You’ll need:

Then we’ll work with you to build an internal business case and support you in getting sign off from the budget holder to press ahead.

If you’re not able to get sign off, we can work with your existing suppliers and route the paperwork through this already approved recruitment supply chain.

The outcomes:

Skip the hassle

Bypass the usual new supplier procurement process. The priority is to get you the resource you need, so we’ll get to work immediately.

Be the priority

The entire bluewaveSELECT team will drop what they’re doing and focus on you.

Quality, not quantity

You’ll get 3 accurately matched (technical and culture fit) CVs in hours.

Sit back and relax

We make it easy for you to do nothing. Once you’ve briefed us, we’ll do all the heavy lifting and admin.

The quality of the candidates is outstanding - bluewaveSELECT are my first option when I need to go to the market.

Head of Technical Architecture

It all starts with one great hire

If you’re struggling to fill a role, try us out risk-free. If we don’t exceed your expectations, you’ll get your money back.

We’ll quickly prove that we can get you the right people to deliver your project on time and on budget.

And going forward, you’ll have an SAP recruitment partner you can always rely on.